For processing your meat, you need a good set of specialty knives, including a boning knife. A six-inch knife is about the right length unless you process elk, which requires an 8-inch blade. A 6-inch fillet knife works well for deer and for cutting breasts from turkeys or ducks, but you will need a small paring knife, about 3-inches, for cleaning ducks and other waterfowl. Also, invest in a good quality meat saw to divide up the cuts of meat quickly. Specially designed meat cutting saw blades produce higher yields with fast clean cuts and less waste. Some establishments use a hacksaw, but they aren’t an ideal tool. The larger spacing on the saw allows the sinew to build up quickly and clog the blade.Meat Grinder

Sausage Stuffer

Meat Mixer
Meat mixers will help you blend spices and other ingredients efficiently and evenly, making the product taste better. You can do so by hand, but an electric meat mixer saves time and provides the best possible results. Remember to only mix chilled meat to prevent bacteria buildup. Mixers also work best with larger quantities of meat, about 10 pounds or so at a time. Some meat grinders may offer a meat mixer accessory as well.Tenderizer
Meat tenderizers have stainless steel combs that pierce the meat and break down the muscle fibers. This can help soften the meat, making it easier to cut. Some tenderizers will also slice the meat into jerky-size pieces. As when you grind or mix your meat, you should chill the cuts first and trim all the fat.Food Dehydrator
A food dehydrator is an essential tool if you are going to make jerky. It’s also a great way to use up leftover meat from the carcass.Miscellaneous
Depending on what else you do in your place of business, you likely need to set aside a portion of your space specifically for game processing during hunting season. If you don’t already have a stainless-steel sink, you should invest in one of the larger sizes available given the initial size of some of the carcasses. Consider a vacuum sealer to help better preserve the cuts of meat once processed. Lastly, don’t rely on your normal commercial freezer. Invest in a chest freezer, which are much colder and larger than standard freezers. Even if you have a sub-zero freezer already, buying a chest freezer will help keep your fresh game business separate from the rest of your operation.7 years ago
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