Hamburger Patty Press - Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions with Portion Control

chef making hamburger patty press As 2018 begins, many people are starting to think about what changes they can make to improve their health and happiness in the new year. However, those thoughtful and positive resolutions made on New Year’s Eve rarely go the distance, and most are long forgotten by January’s end. One reason for this is people are often too ambitious with their goals, making sudden and drastic changes to their lifestyle and expecting instant results. New Year dieters are particularly guilty of this, as many attempt a strict diet and exercise plan, which is usually unsustainable in the long term. The key to effective and sustainable long-term weight loss is to shed the pounds at a slow, steady rate. Although this is undoubtedly the best method of slimming down, many people find it frustrating, as it is easy to be disappointed and become despondent when progress is slow. The best approach to improving your overall health and fitness is to make small changes to your everyday routine, which can work together to overhaul the unhealthiest of lifestyles completely.

Portion Control

Most of us are guilty of overeating now and then, particularly around the holiday season. When large portions become the norm, however, the extra weight can creep on before we know it. Eating just 3,500 extra calories than you need per week produces one pound (0.45kg) of excess fat, which adds up to roughly 2kg per month. Over time, this can add up to significant weight gain. All this means you only need to consume an extra 500 calories a day to see your weight soar, and this is easily done if you are in the habit of eating large portions. When piling your plate high becomes part of everyday life, regularly consuming large amounts of food begins to feel normal, leaving many people unsure of how much (or little) they should be eating. Thankfully, there is a wide range of products available for guidance with portion control that can help you to limit your food intake effectively. Reducing your calorie consumption this way is often all that is needed for that excess fat to start melting away, ensuring steady, sustained weight loss. runner tying shoe laces

Curb Unhealthy Habits

Although reducing your calorie intake through better portion control is an effective way to kickstart weight loss, the results can be improved tenfold if you combine this with other lifestyle changes.
  • Move More: Office jobs, long commutes, and wintery weather can all lead to us spending an unhealthy amount of time sitting around indoors. Working just 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine can make tangible improvements to your health and further expedite weight loss. Try walking to work, the shops or a friend’s house at least once a day to improve your muscular, cardiovascular, and metabolic fitness.
  • Cut out Refined Sugar: Switching to diet soda, snacking on fruit rather than chocolate and saving dessert for the weekends are all effective ways to cut down the amount of sugar in your diet. This can not only help you lose weight but can also reduce your risk of disease, such as Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Reduce Alcohol Intake: It may come as a surprise to some, but alcohol contains almost as many calories per gram as fat. Cutting down on the amount of wine you drink with dinner can help to increase weight loss while lowering your risk of liver disease and cancer.

eating healthy breakfast bowl

Optimize Your Diet

Learning more about macronutrients and what they contribute to your body regarding calories and usable energy is a great way to optimize your diet for weight loss. Fat is the most calorie-dense macronutrient and should account for no more than 20-35 percent of your daily caloric intake. Most of this intake should come from unsaturated fats rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, as these have been proven to lower cholesterol and promote heart health. Fish, nuts, seeds, and avocados are all excellent sources of ‘good fats,’ which can help to boost your overall health and even expedite weight loss. If a large proportion of your diet is based on refined carbohydrates like white pasta, white potatoes and white bread, this could be significantly contributing to your waistline. Choose complex carbs such as whole grains, sweet potatoes and beans, as these have a lower glycemic index than refined carbohydrates. This means they raise blood sugar more slowly, releasing their energy gradually in a way that allows the body to metabolize it more efficiently and store less fat. Protein is the macro with the most metabolic benefits for weight loss, as it helps to preserve and build muscle tissue, keeps you feeling fuller for longer and stimulates energy expenditure in the body. Choose lean protein such as chicken, fish and lean cuts of meat so fewer of your calories come from fat. Swapping more protein for a carb-heavy diet can be a highly effective way of increasing weight loss while upping the satiation factor of your food. With small, manageable changes to your portion size, daily routine and food choices, slimming down in 2018 can be both simple and painless. Restaurants can help their clients stick to their New Year’s resolution by using tools to help with portion control, like the hamburger patty press that makes the perfect-sized burger, crab cake or sausage patty. By gradually adopting a healthier lifestyle through sustainable means, you can rest assured of being a healthier, happier you by the end of the year.
7 years ago
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