Extend the Life of Commercial Fryers with Dependable Frymaster Parts

  You love your Frymaster fryer for its unique ability to handle large volumes of food without wasting oil or energy. If you’re looking for even more ways to improve efficiency and performance in the kitchen, there is a wide variety of Frymaster parts on the market that are perfect for the job. These parts can help address everything from common fryer issues—like if the pilot won’t stay lit or if temperatures seem to jump all over the place—to broken or weathered components that compromise efficiency and flavor. After all, everone loves something fried to perfection! industrial deep fryer If your Frymaster is malfunctioning, don’t immediately assume that you have to replace the entire unit. The great thing about these commercial fryers is that they’re made with a variety of easy-to-replace parts that you can get for a low price compared with a whole-new fryer. If you can easily identify the issue from the list below, there’s a good chance your Frymaster can be brought back to life relatively easily and affordably with the help of SharpTek Supply.
  • Temperature Control — As your commercial fryer ages, one of the first signs of wear and tear is the inability to properly control the temperature. As we all know, deep frying is a bit of an art, and the wrong temp can result in soggy, burned, or leathery food. To give your Frymaster a reboot in terms of temp control, replace the thermostat. A new Frymaster thermostat can help ensure that food is always cooked at the right temperature.
  • Issues with the Pilot Light — You simply cannot make fresh, delicious fried foods without a well-functioning pilot light. Unfortunately, a broken pilot light is not an uncommon issue in the commercial kitchen. When these components break or malfunction, your burners won’t properly heat up, which means downtime in the kitchen that could hold up your entire process. To fix a Frymaster pilot light, you can use a replacement Frymaster thermopile, which will generally fix the issue.
Restaurant deep fryer
  • Burners Don’t Stay Lit — There are few things more frustrating during a busy dinner rush than malfunctioning fryer burners. Often, the burners don’t stay lit because the burner orifices are clogged or compromised. You can easily upgrade your Frymaster with brand-new burner orifices to fix this problem without spending a ton of money. In some situations, you may want to replace the burners altogether.
  • Fryer Baskets Are Broken or Dirty — You’d be surprised how far a good set of replacement fryer baskets can go! These are often the first things restaurant owners replace on a commercial fryer, and for good reason. A good set of Frymaster baskets can help improve your kitchen’s efficiency while helping to keep your unit in grade-A shape for years of frying and battering.
Deep fryer with french fries
  • Fryer Is Overheating — Any overheating restaurant equipment poses a concern for your establishment, leading to the risk of kitchen fires and injury, not to mention downtime and burnt food. If your Frymaster is overheating, you probably need to replace the contactors or the thermostat. Upgrading your unit to include a high-limit thermostat, which will help prevent the fryer from overheating to the flashpoint. It can add years to the unit.
  • Fryer Uses Too Much Oil — One of the great things about new Frymaster fryers is that they’re equipped with oil-conserving components that provide the same result with as much as 40 percent less oil. Of course, oil is one of a restaurant’s most pricey supplies, so, anytime you can save a little, it is always a good thing. To ensure that your Frymaster is as oil-conscious as possible, you want to make sure your hot oil filters are up to date.
  • Heat Failure — If your fryer just plain won’t heat up, don’t take this as a sign that you’ll have to completely replace the unit. It may be one of the costlier repairs that you’ll make to the fryer, but it can add years to the unit. Some specific Frymaster models, especially low-volume gas fryers, are more prone to intermittent heat failure than others. If you believe this is happening with your model, you may need to replace the ignitors in your unit. Older Frymaster models were equipped with igniters that were less tolerant to flame sensing than the newer models, so replacing your Frymaster igniter is a great way to address this common concern.
7 years ago
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